Have you ever heard of the phrase, "your thoughts become reality"? Well in the true sense, your thoughts do become reality.
When we think about a place we want to be in or a position we want to reach, we get a feeling. That feeling reinforces our body to take the proper decision in a subconscious level to make our thoughts into a reality
Now, you may think how can we do anything subconsciously? We clearly don't need to consciously know what we're doing in order for us to make a decision. We go through certain experiences in our lives and those experiences are registered in our subconcious mind, hence, it influences our behavior. For example, racism is actually programmed in the subconcious mind of a racist by the people they are surrounded by. If you look at Hollywood, back in the days, a lot of bad guys were either Black or Muslim and so that was registered in the minds of Americans.
So now, you want to program your subconcious mind to influence yourself to reach a point in your life or get something you desire. The way to do it is to repeat to yourself with full belief that you want it and you will work for it. Another good way is by "scripting"; write your desire and use so many words to describe your desire to bring about that good feeling, and you will surprised how well things go for you.