Thursday, January 23, 2014

What To Do When You Can't Concentrate On Studies?

Have you ever came to a point when you couldn't concentrate on your studies? Random thoughts were rumbling in your brain and you kept on trying to focus on your studies but failed multiple times? I am sure every student go through this situation almost everyday. It's like when you are not studying your mind is stable and stops thinking, but as soon as you open your books it starts to pick up distracting signals from everywhere. So many thoughts invade our brain and then we end up getting distracted.

Sometimes, its not even the thoughts, we get distracted from Facebook messages, our pets or even grandma's moaning. Basically, these are the only few intruders that distract us and make us loose our concentration. And my dear friend, concentration is the only thing we need to get the study materials saved in our tiny little brain cells. So whether you are studying for a class exam, MCAT, PCAT, GRE, GMAT or any other exams you need to be able to concentrate. Now the question is how do you concentrate? Here is how you can get your concentration back:

Say No To The Distractions

If you are being distracted by your Facebook then turn it off and have a certain time to check your messages so that it doesn't interfere with your study schedule. Your Facebook messages will stay, they wouldn't go anywhere. So forget the Facebook when you need to stay focus for your exam.

If your pet is bothering you or being cute and you can't resist but to play with it then you need to close your room and let it be with someone else for the moment because your result or teacher wouldn't play with your score. Your pet wouldn't leave you for not playing with it for a moment. So keep it away. 

Keep your body satisfied 

If you are distracted because your stomach is playing trumpet then make it stop. You can't study with a empty stomach. Whether you are thirsty or hungry make your stomach happy. Our brain needs food and water to function properly. So make sure you eat something before you start studying. Now, don't over yet then you will feel sleepy. 

Study Schedule 

Don't just wake up in the middle of the night and start studying. Your brain wouldn't work if it doesn't get enough rest. Also, don't try to study night before the exam and expect to be all focused. Remember, god doesn't help you on the last moment. Basically, what I am trying to say is that, have a good study schedule and only study during that time and do nothing else. Trust me it is really important to study on your regular schedule then a random time. You will be able to stay more focused. Your brain will be trained and get used to that schedule. 

Give Yourself An Answer To Your Own Questions. 

Most of the time its not the environment or people that distract us. Its our thoughts that bother us the most. It's like as soon as you start studying, someone within our brain tell us, "did he message me on Facebook? let's go check to see if there is any message." My friend when you get distracted by questions like this make sure you answer yourself like this, "Message can wait, I am sure he will understand but I need to stay focus now." It might sound funny but trust me it works. Answer yourself and say no to your own distractions so that they go away while you are studying. 

Proper Atmosphere

Everyone needs a proper environment to study. Make sure your study area is nice and clean and you have your books, pens and laptops on the table. Cleanliness will motivate you to study and keep you focused. Don't try to go and study at a Starbucks just because you see so many people sitting there with books open. Chances are they are just looking at the book and not absorbing anything. So get a quiet and clean place to study and give yourself at least 30 minutes to go into that focused zone.

Hopefully if you correct these problems you can focus more. Good luck on whatever you are trying to concentrate on.